Dog training Vienna

Individual dog training in Vienna

Are you looking for professional help and support with your dog?
I, at the DogDialog Training and Behavior School, believe in force-free, scientifically based training. I’m specialized on behavioral problems/abnormalities, puppies and expecting families with dogs. Individual training takes place in your daily environment. Training in groups suitable for your dog takes place in various areas in and around Vienna under controlled circumstances. The goal is a balanced person-dog team.

At DogDialog you learn:

  • to understand your dog better
  • to lead your dog in a respectful way
  • to teach your dog everyday rules
  • to challenge your dog mentally and physically
  • problem solving strategies

At DogDialog your dog learns:

  • rules
  • trust
  • learning with fun

About me:

Petra Frey

  • Professional education (CumCane, Sheila Harpers International Dog and Behaivior Training School (IDBTS), Animal Learn, graduate of the life skill- puppy program of the University of Lincoln)
  • quality seal of the austrian stateHolder of the Austrian governmental quality seal for dog trainers „Tierschutzqualifizierte Hundetrainerin“ (Dog trainer in accordance with animal welfare)
  • Founder of the dog training school DogDialog in Vienna
  • Official examiner of the Vienna Dog Licence (Wiener Hundeführschein) for listed dogs and the voluntary „Approved City Dog“ (Geprüfter Stadthund) for other dogs
  • Course offer for the certificate of competence (necessary for the registration of a dog in Vienna)

Certificate of competence course in English (Sachkunde-Kurs):

Sachkunde-Kurs (ENGLISH)

Sachkunde-Kurs (ENGLISH)

25.06.2024 - 26.06.2024    
18:00 - 20:00
€40,00 (15 freie Plätze)

Contact me:


Petra Frey | DogDialog – dog training Vienna | 1050 Vienna (Google Maps)



Petra Frey
IBAN: AT042011182659565100
Achtung, für Veranstaltungen/Webinare abweichende Kontodaten möglich!

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Die Räumlichkeiten der Hundeschule liegen im 12. Stock (Lift vorhanden). Die Eingangstüre besitzt eine Schwelle <3cm. Der untere Trainingsraum ist ebenerdig, der obere Seminarraum ist nur über eine Stiege zugänglich. Das WC ist leider nicht barrierefrei. Weitere Infos zur Barrierefreiheit gebe ich gerne telefonisch!